Monday, January 20, 2020


                                        My Last Holiday

  School holidays are something that is very encouraging for me. Especially when I was given two weeks to go on vacation. I'm happy, because when I'm off I can spend a lot of time for people around me.

  The first four days I spent at home with my brother and sister to play because my mother and father did not take a day off and still had to come to work. My mom and dad said if on Friday i would plan to go on vacation to the beach, I was very happy to hear it, I waited until Friday come but when I asked about my mom and dad's holiday I was disappointed because they said they couldn't go on holiday because they still had to work.

  Although I was disappointed because i didn't go on vacation, but I had to understand that theyhad to enter the office. i spend a lot of my vacation time with my friends. I coincidentally attended the softball extracurricular and at that time there was competition, I did not play so I ended up watching a softball race with my friends. I will go play with my middle school friends. we met at one of cafe. it's been a long time we met, we talked to each other, told all stories when entering high school, there are thoose who feel very happy there are also ordinary. We were so cool to talk that we forgot it was time to go home.

  On New Year's Eve I went to the grandmother's house to celebrate it with my brothers. There we burned seafood, Sausages, and meat. We celebrate with joy and hope for the coming year. We gather together to eat together and play fireworks and firecrackers. I played and talked with my brothers until midnight. After the event, my mother and I returned home because at my home only 2 people taking care of my house and the distance from Grandma's house to my house was not too far away.

  That's a little story about school holiday and my New Yeaer, after the new year I take advantage of the rest of my vacation by preparing all the school needs such as buying the stationery I need,preparing uniforms, etc.

  Thank you for reading my short story, see you soon!

Story Telling

An Apple Tree and Our Parents

    Once upon a time there was a huge apple tree. A little boy used to come to play near the tree. He would search for juicy apples. He would play alongside the tree and rest under the shade. The tree was overjoyed after meeting this little bundle of joy. One day, the tree was surprised to see that boy approaching it with a sad face.

“Come on little boy! Play with me," the Tree asked the boy.

“I am no longer a kid to play around tree like you," the boy scowled at the tree. “I need toys. I need money to buy toys of various designs and sizes," the boy told the tree.

“Sorry my dear boy! I do not have money to give you. But you can pick all my apples and sell them. That will give you adequate money to buy toys of your choices," replied the tree in soothing voice.

The boy grabbed all the apples and left happily. He sold the apples and got money. He bought toys of his choices.

Spring bid adieu and autumn came by but there was no sign of the boy.

One morning, the tree saw its friend. That little boy had grown up into a big man.

“Come and play with me" the tree said.

“I cannot play. I have family now. We need a house for shelters. Can you help me?" the man replied.

“Sorry! I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house," the tree told the man.

  The man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see his friend smiling again.

The man returned one evening to the apple tree.

“Come and play with me," the tree asked the man.

“I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat," the man asked the apple tree.

“Use my trunk to build your boat," the tree told the man.

He cut off the trunk and made a boat out of it.

He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.

The man returned after many years.

“Sorry my boy! But now I do not have anything to offer to you. I have nothing for you anymore. No more apples….No more branches…no more trunks for you to climb on’" the tree said with 

a pain in its voice.

“No problem….I too do not have any teeth to bite and I am too old to climb trees," the man replied.

“I just need a place to rest after all these days," the man replied.

“Old tree roots are the best place to lean on. Come on and sit down with me and rest," the apple tree replied with a concern in its voice.

The old man sat down. The apple tree was glad and smiled with tears.

  This is the story of every person. The tree is like our parents. When we were young, we could not have imagined our life without them. But as we grow up, we leave them. No matter what, parents will always be there and give us everything to make us happy.

  source :

Monday, November 18, 2019

Jeff Bezos

Image result for foto jeff bezos

   Jeff Bezos, the man whose real name is Jeffery Pretson Jorgensen was born in Albuqureque, New Mexico, United States on JNanuary 12, 1964. He is a descendant of annative of Texas wgo has an area of 25 thousand Hectares where in 2015 Bezos was largesr landowner in Texas.
      He got the name Bezos when his mother re - married a Cuban man who moved to the United States when Jeff was 4 years old. Jeff's own childhood was traversed like a typical Texas child where in the summer the helped his grandfather to take care of the farm such as vaccinating catle, and repairing windmills.Only at the university level did Jeff's love for computers begin to appear. He also chose to move from the field of science to the computer department and graduated with the honor of summa cum laude at Princeton University. As a result he began Princeton University his career by working on Wall Street in the computer field and then in charge of building an international trade network for a company called Fitel. He had worked on several other jobs before establishing in 1994. It turned out that the business plan he made for Amazon was made in a short time while he was traveling from New York to Seattle by car.

Originally Jeff ran Amazon as an online bookstore from his garage in Seattle. Previously he had also done research by making a list of the top 20 mail order companies and observing that there were no book publishers in them. Jeff who saw this then realized how great this opportunity was and made use of internet technology, immediately made efforts to lobby with several booksellers. With this effort, began testing in June 1999 nd expanded to reach 45 countries where is not only serving book sales but also all kinds of goods that are possible to sell.
The success of Jeff Bezos himself cannot be separated from the initial investment of his parents who gave their retirement savings of $ 300 thousand to Jeff. However, seeing Jeff's instincts in business makes his parents confident and this is also evident from Jeff's current wealth value of $ 59.5 billion. In Jeff Bezos's biography that is circulating indeed provides evidence that Jeff is one of the richest people in the world.
However, it was rumored to be skewed in Jeff Bezos's biography because the New ork Times had published news that mentioned how inhumane Jeff Bezos was. Now Jeff lives with MacKenzie Bezos's wife and has one daughter and three sons.


Monday, October 7, 2019


Image result for gambar lumba lumba

 Dolphin are very intelligent mammals. It lives in the ocean. Dolphin them selves are unique. First, he is able to recognize him looking in a mirror. Different from other animal. Secondly, dolphins fall asleep with their eyes open. One of these habits make them more aware from the presence of predators that might threaten their lives.Their often have to remain vigilant because is it not the highest point in the food chain so that they have to cope wit the sometimes lack of sleep.

Dolphins usually can survive until the age of 55 - 60 years. Dolphin have a system that is used to communicate and recieve stimuli called the sonar system, This system can avoid objects that are in font of the dolphins. So they avoid collisions. This technology is then applied in submarine radar manufacturing.

Every childs dolphin are always near his mother, so his mother can protect from danger. Dolphin always maintain relationships with their children to grow bigger. Mother dolphin call their children with special whistles that they can recognize.

A dolphin can't sleep well under water. He can sink. Therefore, he was half asleep several ties a day. Dolphins eat squid and fish like grey mullet fish. Sometimes dolphins herd fish herd for easy capture. Dolphins find their ways by sending sounds in the water. If the sound hits an object, the sounds will be reflected, back an as echo, Sometimes.

Dolphins have many features. Therefore we as human are required to maintain and minimain it by minimizing the disposal of garbage on the sea.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

My Journey

                                  My Vocation in Yogyakarta 

        Long school holidays are a joyous thing for alll students.Including me, a very very long vacation makes me bored if I stay at home. Plus there are no activities that I can do besides doing my hobby which is reading books or playing the guitar.

Coincidentally,during the long holiday my father had a job that made him have to go out of the city, namely Yogyakarta and he invited me, my mother, and my sister to come with him so we could all have a holiday. It was not long before my father took care of his work, but not bad to be able to get rid of my boredom during a long vacation at home.

My father had booked a plane ticket for our departure to Yogya for 3 days. Tuesday and my family and I went to the airport to go to Yogya, but we had to wait for departure 2 hours slower due to bad weather. After waiting 2 hours we finally departed. We traveled for about 1 hour and finally arrived in the City of Yogya. Arriving DIYogya we went straight to the hotel that was booked for the next few days while in Yogya. At night on our first day to Yogya we visited Malioboro to look for food. Malioboro is a place that is quite famous in Yogyakarta, the place does have its own uniqueness so it is interesting for people to visit, including me even though it was not my first time here but still I'm always amazed by the beauty of Malioboro. There are many who sell typical Yogya foods such as warm and others, the price is fairly cheap. Not only food, there is also a group of people who play Angklung with entertaining songs accompanied by the glitter of the night.

The next day,while my father took care of his work, me, my mother, and my sister toured the city of Yogyakarta. I visited Borobudur Temple, the place is very beautiful, there are many temples of various sizes at each level, although the weather is very hot but going around Yogya is very exciting. After completing the tour we were looking for food in the Borobudur temple area, there were apparently many delicious foods and surprisingly the prices were very cheap. After that we continued our activities, namely we visited the Yogyakarta Palace there, the place was quite soothing.

The night arrived, and we had to go back to the hotel to pack our belongings to go home tomorrow, because the flight departure schedule would depart in the morning. Indeed it feels very comfortable in Yogya, many things are strange but fun here, but unfortunately I can not take long to take a vacation, I hope I will get more time to return to this beautiful city. That's a little bit of my short story about the third experience of visiting the city of Yogya and hopefully you can also visit and enjoy the city of Yogya!

Thank you for reading my story, hope you enjoy it. See you in my next story bye bye!

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