Thursday, August 22, 2019

My Journey

                                  My Vocation in Yogyakarta 

        Long school holidays are a joyous thing for alll students.Including me, a very very long vacation makes me bored if I stay at home. Plus there are no activities that I can do besides doing my hobby which is reading books or playing the guitar.

Coincidentally,during the long holiday my father had a job that made him have to go out of the city, namely Yogyakarta and he invited me, my mother, and my sister to come with him so we could all have a holiday. It was not long before my father took care of his work, but not bad to be able to get rid of my boredom during a long vacation at home.

My father had booked a plane ticket for our departure to Yogya for 3 days. Tuesday and my family and I went to the airport to go to Yogya, but we had to wait for departure 2 hours slower due to bad weather. After waiting 2 hours we finally departed. We traveled for about 1 hour and finally arrived in the City of Yogya. Arriving DIYogya we went straight to the hotel that was booked for the next few days while in Yogya. At night on our first day to Yogya we visited Malioboro to look for food. Malioboro is a place that is quite famous in Yogyakarta, the place does have its own uniqueness so it is interesting for people to visit, including me even though it was not my first time here but still I'm always amazed by the beauty of Malioboro. There are many who sell typical Yogya foods such as warm and others, the price is fairly cheap. Not only food, there is also a group of people who play Angklung with entertaining songs accompanied by the glitter of the night.

The next day,while my father took care of his work, me, my mother, and my sister toured the city of Yogyakarta. I visited Borobudur Temple, the place is very beautiful, there are many temples of various sizes at each level, although the weather is very hot but going around Yogya is very exciting. After completing the tour we were looking for food in the Borobudur temple area, there were apparently many delicious foods and surprisingly the prices were very cheap. After that we continued our activities, namely we visited the Yogyakarta Palace there, the place was quite soothing.

The night arrived, and we had to go back to the hotel to pack our belongings to go home tomorrow, because the flight departure schedule would depart in the morning. Indeed it feels very comfortable in Yogya, many things are strange but fun here, but unfortunately I can not take long to take a vacation, I hope I will get more time to return to this beautiful city. That's a little bit of my short story about the third experience of visiting the city of Yogya and hopefully you can also visit and enjoy the city of Yogya!

Thank you for reading my story, hope you enjoy it. See you in my next story bye bye!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My Self

             Hi, welcome to my first blog! I want to introduce my self. My name is Radindadewi Salsabila Putriyana, you can call me radinda or you can call me as you wish. I was born in Bandung on September 16, 2004. Now I go to SMA 3 Bandung on Belitung Street number 8, i used to be in middle school at 44, and my elementary school was at Pardomuan Elementary School. I have sister one younger sister named Ratu, she was born on February 4, 2013, now she is 6 years old and is in the first grade of elementary school.
I live on the road Sumbawa with my parents and my sister.I used to move often because of changes my parents workplace. I once lived in Cileunyi and Cibiru area. Now I moved again to Ujung Berung area, but because i went to SMA 3 Bansdung so every morning I leave at 5 o'clock in the morning and I will visit my house every day in.

I aspire to become a director in a large company or bank. I want to study to S3 at Gajah Mada University and if possible I want to study at Oxford University. I have a hobby of playing guitar and also reading novels. playing guitar in my opinion is a hobby that is quite useful as well as reading a lot of benefits that I can take. Playing the guitar can eliminate bored because by playing music, I can be calmer, at first I wanted to be able to play the guitar because I imagine how cool someone can be when playing a musical instrument that is one guitar. Reading books also makes me more aware of many things.

I don't have a favorite food, because I like all the food that I think is delicious and fits my tongue. My favorite drink is boba drink, I really like boba drink because I think besides drinking I can also chew the boba in the drink, hahaha does sound weird but that's me.
I was a shy person, but I changed since I was in middle school. I became a person who included being easy to get along with people or it didn't take long to get close. Indeed, if I just met a new person, I would certainly look quiet, shy, and not infrequently who judge me as a person who is not friendly but actually if I have known then I will be very very close and more often joking. I am among those who can not be silent, I like to walk if in class hahaha. I like to joke with my friends.

That's a little story about me, Thank you for reading my first blog and a story about me. See you in my next story bye bye!

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